Consumer Rebate Module Redesign, 360insights
Redesigning the Consumer Rebate Module user experience and creating a prototype for the product.
Role: UX/UI Design Intern
Timeline: June 2017- August 2017

Project Description
I have done my internship at 360insights company and I was working there as an intern UX/UI designer. I was mainly working on one of their main products called Consumer Rebate. I have created the prototype for it and discovered some hypotheses based on the current problems, and user interaction KPI's/metrics.
Based on the user call interaction KPI's and metrics, approximately 90 % of users who submit their claim will call the customer service for different reasons. They mainly call because; they can not submit their claim, they want to check their claim status, although they can do it online, and they do not know how to update their claim.
I was provided with a comparative analysis which helped me to understand the strengths and weaknesses of other competitors in the market, personas which made me become familiar with the major user group of the platform, and some usability testing that had been done in the past. I went through the usability testing video which showcased that users could not complete the submission of their claim without help.
The Consumer Rebate module was online but there were not any prototypes for it. As part of my responsibility for the user interface design, I have created a prototype for the Consumer Rebate platform module in mobile, tablet and desktop. It helped me discover some design principles, content strategy, and usability issues while I was creating the prototype.
User flow
I have created a user flow of the current Consumer Rebate module in order to have a better understanding of user paths and to be able to see the unnecessary steps that users are going through. Creating the flowchart was led to hypothesis discovery and a significant reduction in interactions per claim.

Current User Flow for Consumer Rebate module including some recommendation
Hypothesis Report and Sample Mockup Design
I have reported hypothesis for each KPI's. In the hypothesis report, I also proposed mock-up design for some of the hypotheses. The report, user flow, and prototype were presented to the stakeholders.

Hypothesis Report including some design mock up